Extra hours
can be booked in the afternoon known as wraparound care, provided we have space, at £8.50 per hour. We do not accept bookings for collecting at 4pm.
An extra 30 minutes can be added to your session from 7.30am to 8.00am for £5.
From September 2024 all food and additional activities are included in the fees and in our Flexible Funding option with Additional Charges. We have a limited number of Fully Funded Option spaces. These spaces will not include food or additional extras. These will need to be provided by parents/carers.
Term time only spaces.
We offer a limited number of term time only contracts for customers, particularly for those who work term time. These spaces will be limited and can be requested via Ms Hulin. Our term time offer will coincide with Herefordshire’s term time dates (not Powys). You would still be able to book your child into nursery during the holidays, for additional days, providing we have space. Please note the fees are higher for a term time only space.
Early Education Funding
Early Education Funding can be used during term time , between 8.00 am - 3.30pm or 7.30am - 5.30pm.
Please enquire for further information.
You are able to book wraparound care if you require additional hours. For example, adding an extra hour from 3.30pm to 4.30pm. This is available at an extra cost.
Please note we do not offer shared funding with another setting or streched funding.
Late Collection Charges
A late collection charge of £10 will be charged for every 15 minutes that a parent is late, unless a late pick up has previously been arranged.
We will be closed for all bank holidays and for one full week at Christmas and one week in August. You are not charged for closures.
Please email Ms Hulin at littleorchardnursery@btconnect.com with any queries regarding our provision and fee structure. We will be happy to try and offer you the hours and sessions that best fit your family’s needs.
Please note: We require 4 weeks’ notice to amend a booking or to give notice.
Little Orchard Nursery Ltd
Company No. 6698917 Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ.